...Well in Washington anyways. Last week one day we woke up and started getting around for work. Normally I draw the blinds, turn on the fireplace and sip my coffee...to prep myself for the day ahead. Only, I think we got up late...so we had been up for a while before I drew the blinds. Only to find that a Winter Wonderland had blown in during the night!
Oh to be a dog right?!! You would never believe that he's a bird dog, let alone that he's only 2.5 yrs old! All day long he lays on the couch like this:
Then you go to the dog park or to the mountians or beach and he turns into this:
Then it's back to laying on the couch until bed time! Gotta LOVE Louie Trace!!!
Self. Wife. Mother. My world was forever changed on 8/20/09. Every day I learn something new about myself and living my new life. Now, I am a mother and a kick ass one at that. Some days I am sane... and other days I sport a neon pink straight jacket! Here is my life because it makes me feel normal to share. And maybe my over dramatized & crazy stories, my hippie-vogue style & way of life, will give you joy, hope, inspiration or simply... laughs!